Passing on the Knowledge

In January, we launched an innovative and unique course for employment promoters in collaboration with the Population Administration of the Ministry of Labor and the Yated national program for Young adults at Risk in the Ministry of Welfare. In a special pilot, 7 employment promoters began learning about the Dualis model of working with young adults and their employers, aiming to implement our activities and expand our joint impact.

Through the employment innovation grant that Dualis has received from the Ministry of Labor since 2022, we succeeded in executing the course, and another course will open later this year. The course includes advanced content on working with employers: recruitment, retention, networking, and streamlining work processes with youth entering the labor market. All course participants receive free access to Dualis’ job database and independently develop relationships with additional employers, thereby expanding options for all the youth we support.

The course includes theoretical and practical content, and we also conducted an employers’ tour. We visited the Mimy Group’s factory, which operates bakeries, cafes, and restaurants across the country. During the tour, we met one of the owners, Yaki Bona, who discussed the challenges of recruiting and retaining staff these days with the promoters. We also met with the HR manager, Yasmin Hemad, who shared the group’s management development plans. Together we considered options for expanding cooperation for the absorption of additional youth in the network’s branches.

Subsequently, we visited the offices of Clal Group in Petah Tikva, learned about the work of representatives in customer service and sales centers, and had an open discussion with the human resources and recruitment managers of the division, Michal Nahum and Shirli Calderon, about the challenges for at-risk youth to integrate into meaningful positions in an insurance company.

In parallel, we conducted private trainings for civil society organizations partnering with us in the field of youth. We met with employment promoters as part of a course of the Youth Employment Organizations Forum, conducted a training for the managers of the Women’s Yard, and met with coordinators of the Otot Association’s Step-by-Step Housing Program.